Anti vaxxers: what is the future of this many and varied protest ‘army’?
Chris Hobbs assesses the potential challenge to public order policing of groups who, among other things. claim the authorities have committed 'common law' offences
Certainly, the Met commanders were taking no chances with the first major anti-vaxxer protest of 2022. Attacks on officers during the last protest just before Christmas ensured that police serials were fully kitted with helmets ‘clipped’ from the very start of this event which began outside the BBC.
This ‘RVP’ for anti-vaxxers would have caused concern for police planners given criticism of the BBC by the various anti-vax groups and the destruction of an Eric Gill statue situated at Broadcasting House just days before.
Whilst the BBC was protected by both steel barriers and officers, little attention was paid to it by protesters as they gathered in what was a jovial atmosphere. It soon became clear that, amongst the gathering crowd, were NHS staff, many of whom were sporting blue hoodies which made reference to the 100,000 NHS employees who, reportedly, have refused to be vaccinated and now risk being dismissed.
The beginning was somewhat chaotic and shortly after Oxford Circus, the march was halted in Regent Street while the above-mentioned NHS staff were encouraged to come to the front. The march resumed and on the approach to Piccadilly, protesters were greeted by a line of about 40 ex-servicemen sporting regimental berets, under the banner of the ‘Global Veterans Alliance.’ Their presence was later heavily commented upon by other military veterans and it is perhaps worth noting that support for the protesting veterans was minimal.
Met police crime number 6029679/21
The march organisers planned to stop at Trafalgar Square and some of the early arrivals made for the base of Nelson’s Column where they displayed a banner about a Metropolitan Police Crime reference. This reference has featured prominently for days on anti-vax social media posts and has been euphorically regarded as some sort of victory.
It would seem that anti-vaxxers attended Hammersmith Police Station armed with hundreds of pages of ‘evidential’ documents referring to ‘crimes’ committed linked to the vaccines. These crimes reportedly included ‘genocide’ and ‘murder.’ A crime number was, apparently allocated and this was interpreted as a signal that the Met would commence investigations against individuals such as Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Jonathan Van Tam and would even include those administering the vaccine.
Since the number became common knowledge amongst anti-vaxxers, some have entered police stations with ‘evidence’ quoting that crime number and demanding police take action. Others have descended on vaccination centres attempting to shut them down and, when police attend, quote that crime reference and demand that officers close the ‘illicit’ centres. In one case, they even threatened officers with arrest.
It is, perhaps, unfortunate that the Met have categorically stated that, with reference to the now infamous crime number, no investigation into the allegations is, in fact, taking place.
However, in Trafalgar Square, attention soon switched to the several hundred NHS staff who were assembling on the steps leading into the square which are situated in front of the National Gallery. There were handwritten posters and placards making the point that whilst they were applauded at the height of the pandemic, they were now in danger of being sacked.
Whilst the organisers of this particular protest were keen to utilise the publicity that would accompany the presence of NHS staff, the placards carried by those staff at least suggested there was a pandemic unlike many anti-vaxxers who claim that Covid simply does not exist and is all part of a global ‘reset’ masterminded by the ‘elite.’
After about twenty minutes, the protesters, numbering around 8,000, left Trafalgar Square for the inevitable procession down Whitehall to Downing Street which was clearly a potential flashpoint.
Downing Street
Surprisingly the majority of protesters ignored the Prime Minister’s residence and simply carried on walking towards Parliament Square, but inevitably a crowd of around 2,000 did congregate. Whilst some troublemakers from previous protests were visible, many were not. This could have been because of a number of other local anti-vax protests taking place across the UK or possibly because of splits amongst the ranks of the anti-vax/ freedom protesters with many believing that more direct action is needed to bring about change and ‘secure justice.’
Another factor was the fact that the aggrieved NHS workers showed no animosity or hostility towards police which is perhaps unsurprising given the close links between officers and staff across the NHS. This seemed to reduce still further any tensions.
Discarded NHS uniforms in Downing Street
One complaint by anti-vaxxers is that their protests are often ignored by the national media. On this occasion the actions of the above-mentioned NHS staff would ensure headlines. Initially it was just a few items of NHS uniforms that found their way over the Downing Street metal barriers before landing amongst the feet of the somewhat bemused looking officers. However, more and more individuals came through the crowd hurling their garments through the air until the ground was littered with NHS apparel.
Portable sound systems played some appropriate songs including ‘I Will survive’ and ‘Staying Alive’ as the crowd drifted away. By 5.30 only a handful of individuals remained at Downing Street with several leaning over the steel barriers throwing insults at officers, two of whom responded by taking a few steps towards them before engaging in conversation.
In Parliament Square, police ushered the few remaining protesters out of the road and watched over a small group by Churchill’s statue who were dancing to some form of techno music.
It was time to go.
The Future.
There appear to have been no major incidents at anti-vax protests that took place throughout the country last weekend. NHS workers were present at many and they did not appear to be supporting the more extreme views of the various anti-vax/’freedom’ groups.
It could be that extreme elements have allied themselves to a new group who have formed under the banner of ‘Alpha Men Assemble.’ More than 8,000 mainly men, have, ‘signed up’ to the organisation. ‘Training sessions’ in parks and fields have been held and the group has attracted the attention of the MSM including the Daily Mail and the Sun.
Despite their assertion that they are ‘peaceful’ and ‘law-abiding,’ the activities of the ‘Alpha Men’ clearly show that they are engaged in preparations to confront police during protests. They claim to be ‘defending their children’ and have been widely mocked on social media.
However, assuming that they will probably attract individuals, many of whom will have involved themselves in far-right demonstrations during the past few years, their activities will be of concern to police.
Thirty of these activists would be able to close down a vaccination centre and present real challenges to response officers attending. Equally, at any major protest, two to three hundred ‘Alpha Men’ activists amongst a protest gathering of several thousand would again create major problems for gold and silver commanders. The Alpha Men were conspicuously absent from Saturday’s protests which begs the question as to when they will show their hand, if indeed they ever emerge on to the streets.
The continual relaxation of restrictions will probably sap support amongst those whose primary objective was to reduce controls imposed by government. The ‘movement’ as a whole probably reached its zenith in April of last year. What was primarily an anti-Lockdown march set off from Hyde Park Corner and as the head of the march reached Marble Arch having walked along Park Lane, tens of thousands could be seen streaming across Hyde Park from Speakers Corner to the starting-point. It was a remarkable sight and estimates in respect of those involved ranged from fifty to one hundred thousand.
In addition to the relaxation of restrictions, some of the more bizarre allegations and aspirations of the protest groups has had a negative effect on support. Claims that the authorities have committed ‘common law’ offences contrary to the Magna Carta are epitomised by the Common Law Peace Constables who were present at Saturday’s protests in London and are innocuous enough.
Other familiar claims are that Covid is a myth; that there will be ‘Nuremberg trials’ of those responsible for restrictions and vaccinations; that sickness is the result of 5G; that there is a Globalist establishment conspiracy; that vaccination programmes are deliberately genocidal and thus justify the forcible closure of vaccination centres, have perhaps taken their toll in terms of those who simply believe that Lockdowns are an unnecessary, damaging response to Covid.
One fact is certain in these uncertain times; police intelligence units will be monitoring the activities of all the disparate anti-vax groups over the next few weeks and months, with particular attention being paid to the so called ‘Alpha Men’ and indeed ‘Alpha Women.’
Chris Hobbs is a former Special Branch officer who has been following the numerous lockdown protests as an observer for Police Oracle
Category: Ops
Tags: City of London PoliceFree ArticlesLondonMetropolitan Police ServicePublic Order
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Head of the National Security Vetting Unit
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The Office of the Deputy Governor, Cayman Islands Government, is currently inviting applications for the post of Head of the National Security Vetting Unit.
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